Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Jedi Training

Graham and Jalen are Jedi's in training.
They did their offical training at
disneyland this past december. They
both incountered fought Darth Vader,
Storm Troopers and Darth Maul.
They both successfully defeated
Darth Vader! Disneyland is one of their favorite places to go ever year.
If it is for Pirates of the Carribean,
Star Wars, Buzz Lightyear, ALL of the Princesses, etc. We have now got Keaton on the Disney band wagon too. She is a Pirate captain in the making. We are going to try the disney cruise next fall. We will see if that counts for disneyland for them for the year.
It should be quite the adventure.


TDM Wendy said...

A word from Elijah "JEALOUS."

Maressa Vincent said...

I know this post was a long time ago, but Andrew is totally into Star Wars also. We had a Star Wars birthday for him a few weeks ago. We made a millennium falcon cake. I guess we will have to go to D-land so he can train like your kids!